Michael Jensen

Michael Jensen is a famous financial economist born in Rochester, Minnesota in 1939. He received his BA in economics for Macalester college, and then went on to receive his MBA and a PhD from the University of Chicago. He then went on to teach economics at the University of Rochester, and later Harvard's school of business. Aside from strictly academic work, Jensen is also known for the working for Deloitte, a major consulting firm.

Jensen is most notably known for his research in economics. His most notable paper is titled Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure. There is a prize in financial economics called the Jensen Prize to honor his work in the field. Jensen is a modern day leader in research of financial economics and corporate finance. Before taking this class I was unaware of him and his accomplishments, so I am glad I got the chance to do some research on him. 


  1. We won't talk about executive compensation much in the course (because there are Finance classes that deal with it) but it is an important topic and Jensen is in essence the oracle in this area.


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