
Showing posts from December, 2019

Final Blog Post

I came into this course not knowing really anything at all about the economics of organizations, which is why I decided to take this class. I think that the biggest takeaway from the class would be the lesson on risk preference. I never thought about how much the choices that we make now impact the future so much. I think it made me realize that I currently have the ability to take risks in my youth more than I will be able to later on down the road. I need to capitalize now while I can and do things that may help me in the future such as apply to jobs that are a “reach” or join organizations and do things with my time that may benefit me later. I did enjoy the approach that the class took in terms of the conversation and the ability to engage with the teacher and other students. It made sure that the students had the right takeaways from the lecture because we were engaging directly with the teacher, who could correct us if we were wrong. As for the blog posts, I thought that they we